Tuesday 24 March 2015

Ending My Journey in Nanjing!

Wow, what a great start to a day! I just woke up and am writing now because Wafles made some delicious treat. I forget what he called it, but it had little squares and it was like a pastry. I told him he should start a business. Now that I’m awake, I’m going to go interview some villagers, because I really want to learn about what other amazing things happen this China, and more importantly, in Nanjing. I want to learn as much as I can before I have to leave. I just asked some villagers some questions. I asked them about their lifestyle, and all of them replied that much of it had to do with the Yangtze River. It is the main transportation system for the people living here. Wouldn’t that be awesome? A system where you can just boat to your friends house? Also, the Yangtze provides fertile land to the people living along it, so they can grow rice, a main source of food in China. The Yangtze is also a main trade route in China, which makes it economically important. “The Yangtze is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.” said one man I asked. “I am blessed to wake up to it every day.” Wow, what a way to end my fantastic journey. I would definitely come back if I had the chance. I am now on a boat to go home. I really was wowed by all the people and things I’ve seen and met here.

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